Monday, March 2, 2009

Measure your steps by using a pedometer

A pedometer is an instrument that counts your footsteps. The count is converted into distance which helps you know the length of your stride. Used originally by sports and physical fitness enthusiasts, pedometers are now becoming popular with the common man as an everyday exercise measurer and motivator.

The main reason for the increasing popularity of pedometers is that they are very easy to use. Often worn on the belt, a pedometer records how many steps the wearer has walked that day. It then converts the steps into kilometres/miles by using the following formula: (distance = number of steps x step length). Besides, a pedometer or a step counter encourages a person to remain fit by helping him know how much distance he has been able to walk all through the day. For instance, a total of 10,000 steps per day is equivalent to 5 miles (8.0 km). This distance is regarded as a benchmark for an active lifestyle.

The accuracy of pedometers vary widely between devices. Pedometers are reasonably accurate at a walking pace on a flat surface if the device is placed vertically on the belt clip. However, recent advances have made pedometers more robust even when placed at non-ideal positions. Accuracy of a pedometer also depends on the step-length that the user enters. So, you must take care while placing a pedometer on your body and also while recording the step-length as this will offer you accurate reading.

If you want to know more about a pedometer or other medical equipment, such as spirometer, SAD lightbox and penlights, log on to The company also offers a wide range of

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