Monday, March 2, 2009

Body Fat Monitor: Helps you keep a check on that extra fat

Overall health can be seriously affected by the amount of body fat a person is carrying. Therefore, it is important to differentiate general weight from body fat weight. A general weight comprises body fat weight along with the weight of body parts such as skin, bones, and organs. However, the body fat is the measure of the fat on your body. Body fat has serious implications on a person's daily mobility and overall health. A body fat monitor can help differentiate general body weight from body fat.

Most of the monitors that people use for measuring body fat are in the shape or form of a scale, like one you would weigh yourself on. Still, there are some important questions that you should remember when monitoring your body fat.

First, who should use a body fat monitor? Anyone who is exercising or has started a diet programme can use a fat monitor to assess the difference in him before and after his efforts.

Second, how often should you use a body fat monitor? You should use the monitor only once a week. Using the monitor more than once a week, will offer you inaccurate results. Never use your monitor more than once per day because your body fat percentage can fluctuate during the day and night.

There are various models available that help you measure your body fat like a bathroom scale; you simply stand on it and it takes a measurement based on the information you input.

Medical scales, on the other hand, help you measure your body weight. Other medical equipment like blood pressure monitors, ECG machine, and nebuliser also help you keep a good check on your health. If you want to know more about body fat monitor or equipment like Littmann stethoscopes, stethoscope or phthalmoscopes, log on to

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