Friday, May 1, 2009

Power Plate: An Ideal Fitness Machine for Homes and Offices

Exercise is the key to healthy lifestyle. One must work out on a daily basis to prevent serious health issues like cholesterol, obesity, and heart strokes. However, if your hectic schedule doesn’t allow you to go to gym, buy a power plate.

The power plate offers you the convenience of exercising from the comfort of your home or office. Incorporating latest features, it is an ideal yet economical fitness machine.

To get the best quality power plate, you can log on to The web site offers power plate in several models. The company also deals in diagnostic kits, medical thermometer and reflex hammers,

For example, Power Plate® my3 model is the best way to bring Acceleration Training exercise to your home or apartment. Here is a quick look at some of its advanced features:

Remote control for ease of use
Quick-Start programs for strength, stretch massage and relax
Time: 30 or 60 seconds
Vibration: Tri-planar, mostly vertical, multiple times per second
Vertical Displacement: High/Low settings
Maximum Load: 300 lbs / 136 kg
Frequency Range: 30 to 40 Hertz / 30, 35, or 40 Hertz
Frequency Adjust: 3 mats / varying thickness
Dimensions: 27 in x 35 in x 59 in / 68 cm x 90 cm x 150 cm
Machine Weight: 200 lbs / 90 kg
Power Supply: 90 – 260 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Nominal Power: .35 kW (in operation)

So, all you people who wish to live a healthy life buy power plate today.

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